Research and Planning Blog

 When I am deciding what pictures or content in general, I want for my commercial I think of it being entertaining as possible. I try to look for pictures with vibrant colors that will catch the attention of watchers. I would also try to keep with current trends as too not seem out of touch and up to date with what people want to see. I will try to pick songs from artist that are currently popular but also relevant with the feeling I am trying to get the watcher to feel. The videos will be relevant to the topic, but they will also be as entertaining as possible to avoid the video being boring. I can try to incorporate my commercial with current memes or trends going on to make it seem more relevant. The main thing I focus on for photos is making sure they haven't been used before in other commercials. This is to avoid any risk of plagiarism and make my commercial more unique. This process will also be used for videos but only depending on which video I use. For example, if I use a music clip or movie clip that another commercial also used it wouldn't be plagiarism. For songs, I would use songs that are most popular most of the time since its reliable, but it might also be more unique to use lesser-known songs. I would use songs that are more popular where I am from like El Salvadorian and Puerto Rican songs. This would also apply to photos and videos since I prefer these videos when talking about me. It will also be good to express my culture since even though Pureto Rico is a US territory its vastly different compared to the rest of the US. Same with El Salvador which is an entirely different and vibrant country. I would use a lot of pictures from my hometown San Juan in Pureto Rico since it's a beautiful area. I would have to pick songs from Pureto Rico in English however, since a lot of them curse, I would have to pick clean versions. Main issue being that better Pureto Rican songs have a pretty high amount of curse words or are in Spanish which a lot of people don't understand. Videos would be easy to find though since there's a lot of music, food, trailing videos for Pureto Rico that express my culture very well. Same with photos because there are plenty of areas in Pureto Rico that are very beautiful and documented by me and others. The only bad part about Pureto Rico is since it's a small island its very cramped meaning I have to go further out to get good photos. I plan to do all these things at least a little in my commercial just to be more unique and differentiate myself from others.

Photographer in Pureto Rico:


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