Production blog - flashbacks

 To finish up the scenes we needed to redo some of the flashback portions. This was because we didn't properly plan how we were going to do them. Leading to a lot of the scenes being very unorganized and didn't all align properly. Some of the scenes weren't filmed with the right clothing's and props. I also had to redo my tree scene since it didn't fit in properly lighting wise with the rest of them. It took me about 20 minutes to make my new scene look satisfactory. The rest of them took a bit longer since we all had to meet up again to do it properly. We can't even finish one of the scenes right now since one of our actors isn't even home right now. We plan to do it a little after they come back so we can quickly edit it in before the due date. This gives us enough time to properly prepare for what we are going to do. The color scheme being black and white makes it a lot simple to edit in new scenes. Since if the shirt is any dark color; dark blue, dark red, etc. it will always look the same. We just have to prevent from wearing lighter clothing since it won't match the aesthetic of the video. It's also easier since we film the flashbacks at home so we can experiment with different clothing's. This allows us to edit the videos at home slightly so we can somewhat see what the end product will look like. However, minor differences will likely be ignored since even the original music video didn't have consistent clothing's throughout. Any minor differences will be scrubbed out with editing. The flashbacks themselves are fairly easy since it's about breakup so we will just use my friend's girlfriend as the actor, and they simulate a breakup. As stated, the only issue being she isn't home right now, so we have to wait for her to come back. Until then we prepare the rest of the video by editing the other scenes and having them ready to be submitted.



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