Production blog - Going to the Park

 Me and my friends all agreed to meet up after school in the park. We decided the park was the best since it was close, not too hot, and not too crowded. It was a school night so no one was really there except for one parent. The temperature was a big concern for us since we had to wear all black long sleeve shirts. However, when we went it was nice and chilly so it was way easier to film. We filmed using a iPhone 14 since it was the best phone we had and it was the most charged. While filming we got distracted a bit which made it take longer than it should have. I personally didn’t even charge my phone enough to be there for the 2 hours and I had to borrow my friends phone. We brought along two friends who aren’t related to the project so they could film for us. Each scene was filmed at least 3 times so we could prevent any mistakes. The hardest part while filming was actually just staying on topic instead of constantly getting distracted. Once we finished however, we were happy with the end result and decided on Daniel being the one to decide to edit with us helping. While we filmed we would have at least one other person watching the cameraman to prevent any stuttering. We also made sure none of us laughed during the scenes since it was supposed to be a semi-serious music video. If anyone laughed after the necessary time however, we would just cut it out later. The time between each scene was predetermined so we wouldn’t have to decide on the day of filming. The color scheme for the video would be black and white so lighting wouldn’t be a big issue for us. We failed to bring most of the props we wanted to bring. We did agree that on a later date we would do the “flashback” portions of the video. Scenes with the violin would be filmed later since the violin wasn’t able to be brought on the day of filming.


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