Our Pitch

For our first idea, we plan to do a horror movie where one of us will dress as a slasher and the rest of us will dress like innocents. Throughout the scene we plan to have different cuts with people getting "murdered" and at the end we will have a scream.

Our second pitch is crime/horror movie with an unknown serial killer on the loose. 

With our first pitch we plan to have one of us dress as a serial killer. The rest of us will be innocent bystanders getting "slashed" and we try to run away in the scenes. With every new person mentioned a new person gets slashed in the scenes. For the ending scene we will either have someone grab the weapon before cutting out or have a scream at the end. This is to create a feeling of intrigue to know if the person died or not. 

For our second pitch we will have one person be a detective and one a serial killer with the rest being innocent people. In the beginning, we will have the killer murdering people and the detective trying to catch them. The detective will slowly gain evidence before cutting out. We'll use this in a way that the current events in the intro scene will be the "future" where the detective gets a lot of clues. The serial killer will be on his tail constantly to pressure him throughout.

We plan to either do a horror movie slasher with innocent people getting murdered or a crime horror movie with a detective, innocents, and a serial killer.


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