Production blog film review - FT

 While reviewing the film we had to change a couple of things in my opinion. Some aspects were a bit weird and out of place. However for the most part the film was as we envisioned. We had a horror character that is realistic and scary. That was the hardest part about filming this in my opinion. Since horror is something that can be pretty hard to achieve. Most audiences are too mature to find anything scary. Or they are too desensitized from other movies. The best part was being able to use a actor that was effective in establishing the sense of fear. After we decided to change one thing ourselves about the film. We were going to do a black and white pallet for the film. But we changed this as it wouldn’t fit with the video. Since vloggers usually film in color and not in black and white. Vloggers use higher quality cameras that have color. It also made the scene feel more natural creating a mystery feeling. I felt we needed to change the script since we did improvise a bit in the film. It was needed to make the scene more natural. Since some dialogue felt out of place during the scene. In paper it seemed decent but in actuality it wasn’t since it felt corny. Any lines we all agreed were out of place would be later removed.


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