
Showing posts from October, 2023

Production blog - flashbacks

 To finish up the scenes we needed to redo some of the flashback portions. This was because we didn't properly plan how we were going to do them. Leading to a lot of the scenes being very unorganized and didn't all align properly. Some of the scenes weren't filmed with the right clothing's and props. I also had to redo my tree scene since it didn't fit in properly lighting wise with the rest of them. It took me about 20 minutes to make my new scene look satisfactory. The rest of them took a bit longer since we all had to meet up again to do it properly. We can't even finish one of the scenes right now since one of our actors isn't even home right now. We plan to do it a little after they come back so we can quickly edit it in before the due date. This gives us enough time to properly prepare for what we are going to do. The color scheme being black and white makes it a lot simple to edit in new scenes. Since if the shirt is any dark color; dark blue, dark re...

Production blog - editing time

 After filming we of course have to edit our video together so it flows smoothly. We choose Daniel to stitch the video together since he had all the videos on his phone. He also used an editing software to change the color scheme of the video to black and white. This was too match the aesthetic of the original music video. We realized while editing we will have to redo some scenes but we decided to do that later. The most important part however, is getting the scenes that were meant to be filmed individually. Since some scenes were supposed to be “flashbacks” and we couldn’t really film the flashbacks at the location. This was because the actor supposed to be in the flashbacks couldn’t make it. Besides filming the flashbacks I personally had to film a scene by myself in a tree with a guitar. I borrowed my brothers guitar since that was all I had at the time. I used this plus a random tree I found in my backyard to quickly film the scene. I sent the video to Daniel so he could edit ...

Production Blog - change of plans

 When deciding where to go we had to us had to change plans a bit. We always knew we we're going to do a park, but we decided to change which one. Since while looking online, I found one that was a lot closer than the one we chose previously. It was also a lot less packed so it would be a lot more convenient to film. The park wasn't incredibly popular so there was only an occasional person walking with their dog. Even the park with children since it was a school night there was only one kid with their parent that we just ignored. we also had to choose what time to film, and we decided to change the date to a Friday since it would be most convenient. The hardest part while deciding the day was also having a means of transportation to get home. This is because most of us don't live near each other or near our school, so we had to find another way to get home. I was able to get my mom to pick me up since she conveniently had a day off the day of our filming. The time we also a...

Production blog - Going to the Park

 Me and my friends all agreed to meet up after school in the park. We decided the park was the best since it was close, not too hot, and not too crowded. It was a school night so no one was really there except for one parent. The temperature was a big concern for us since we had to wear all black long sleeve shirts. However, when we went it was nice and chilly so it was way easier to film. We filmed using a iPhone 14 since it was the best phone we had and it was the most charged. While filming we got distracted a bit which made it take longer than it should have. I personally didn’t even charge my phone enough to be there for the 2 hours and I had to borrow my friends phone. We brought along two friends who aren’t related to the project so they could film for us. Each scene was filmed at least 3 times so we could prevent any mistakes. The hardest part while filming was actually just staying on topic instead of constantly getting distracted. Once we finished however, we were happy w...

Storyboard for my music video

 My storyboard

Research Blog: Music Video

 Hello my people! Today I will be referencing three music videos by The Beatles and analyzing them. The first song is A Hard Day's Night. In the music video there are several camera angles. The angles include Wide shots showing the entire band performing. As well as medium shots showing the members upper bodies. The music video also contains close ups, emphasizing the members expressions. For movement, it include shots that zoom in and out. A common shot used in the music video is reaction shots, capturing audience reactions to the performance. The video takes place on a stage in London while performing. The video was performed outside so the lighting was natural. As normally, The Beatles were wearing their classing stylish suits. There is only type of editing which are just cutaways. Since the music is being produced by guitars the sound is diegetic. There is obviously voice over as you can hear their voices while the shots change. And there is the ambient sound of the audience ch...

Planning for my Music Video

 Song Title:  Yesterday (by the Beatles, 1965) Props: Props we will be using are most likely going to be old coinage. The reason being were going to try and make it seem like we are in the era of when the song was made. At this time they still used silver coins and wheat pennies so I can use some of mine as props for the video. Just so I can make it that much more accurate and real to make the story come alive. Costumes: Costumes will be dark, probably black jackets and shades. The reason being it is a sad song, and the clothing has to reflect the feelings of the character(s) in the music video. The Beatles themselves also wore black. Perhaps to protect their identity from crazy fans, we’ll need to protect our own identity due to the nature of this music video anyway. Schedule: The time for the meet will be an early evening on the weekday. Ideal conditions are cloudy with no rain. Rain could affect the filming process negatively. And since the music video is supposed to be a l...

Group Blog

 As of today Me, Daniel, Jacob, and Myles will be working together for our music video. We will have to find good days to meet up since we don't exactly live near each other. We also have to manage our time, so we won't have to do everything last second. Together as a group we decided to do the song "Yesterday by The Beatles." It's a beautiful short song that represents as a general our types of music. It's also a older popular song so it's pretty easy to recognize. We decided to separate our work, so we don't all have to do stuff separately to save time. My friend Myles will be the cameraman since he has the best camera and prefers not to be in the video. Since The Beatles music videos are very chill and relaxing so will our music video recreation. Daniel will buy resources for us to use to make the music video higher quality. Jacob, Me, and Daniel will all be in the music video assigned to different roles. Depending on what we choose we will also hav...

Intro blog - I am back with another!

Hello, my name is Mario Hernandez, and I was born on November 15th, 2007. Born in another country English was always a bit of a struggle for me growing up. Over time I slowly learned more and more on how to speak English properly so I could help my family who mainly spoke Spanish. I've always been interested in computers mainly learning how the computers operate. I always liked taking apart computer piece by piece then putting it back together. I would also teach my family who didn't really have access to computers when they were younger on how to operate their systems. I always loved America for the delicious food they would have from various different cultures I would have never seen. However, I don’t like how divided America seems at times over things that barely even affect them. I also don’t like how bad the drug issue is in America as back in El Salvador before the new president came into office drugs and gangs were an extreme issue. Besides these issues I always had my f...